Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Messages of Love

Here I collected for you some articles about The Most Influence Islamic Novel "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" that written by an Indonesian Al Azhar Graduate - Mr. Habiburrahman El Shirazy. This Novel will Build Your Soul and Construct Your Spirit of Islam.

This Novel told about one man and his story love with 4 women are: Aisha - Nurul - Noura and Maria.

Who is (are) win(s) his Love??? Read it...!

Enjoy its:
  1. Republika Interviewed
  2. Separuh Nafas Cinta
  3. Goresan Pena Yunita
  4. Imponksible
  5. The Movie
  6. Jiwa Rasa
  7. Ayat Cinta
  8. Isnan Nur
  9. PDAT (Tempo)
  10. Yahoo Answer
  11. JokoSuprianto
  12. Kip's Bandung
  13. Tribun Kaltim
  14. Scribd - Download
  15. Warung Plus
  16. Era Muslim
  17. Blog.HelloBebeh
  18. Hal Jazaaul Ihsaan Ilal Ihsaan
  20. The Prince House
  21. Planet Blogger
  23. RobbiesFamily.Net
  24. Ansarullah
  25. Galih Satria
  26. Mamay Syani in Dunia Maya
  27. The Simple Seno
  28. Suprie In Ruang Kopi
  29. ...... m o r e ......

1 comment:

galih said...

thanks for adding my blog to the list :)